Saturday, July 16, 2022

CHESS this Sunday, July 17 at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone . . .!

There's chess over the boards as usual from 3:00 p,m, through closing time at our Starbucks venue located at 1536 Kirker Pass Rd., in the Clayton Shopping Center, just up from the corner of Ygnacio Valley Rd. and Clayton Rd. in Concord!

We continue to meet every Wednesday and Sunday afternoons at the same time, We welcome players of all ages and skill levels. Come and go anytime, there are no dues, and there is no purchase required (but it would be nice)!!

[I have been remiss in sending out these emails over the past month or so due to my having to deal with some rather tough health issues that even required a couple of trips to the ER. I am under a doctor's care and orders now, and will be able to be at Starbucks again to enjoy the game of chess and, most of all, your friendship and company! I am thankful for several players among so many other friends and associates for taking the time to check on me, even just to simply say hello and ask how I'm doing.]

Looking forward to seeing as many of you tomorrow and at future sessions!

-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #6024746

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