Tuesday, July 4, 2023

CHESS this Wednesday, July 5th, at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone . . . !

Here's hoping everyone had a good 4th of July Independence Day holiday! We meet again for chess over the boards this Wednesday, July 5, 2023, from 3:00 p.m. on through closing time at our usual Starbucks venue! Players come and go anytime, no dues, no purchase required (but it would be nice). All ages and skill levels are welcome, from beginners to masters, and there usually is a chess puzzle to solve, with a free tall Starbucks drink going to the first player to solve it on the first try!

The heat this past Sunday (about 103 degrees Fahrenheit) did not keep about 11 players away from the boards: Tony, Reza,Samuel, Mike T., Ben C., Jordy, Samuel, Ronald, Diego, Alexis (with her service dog), and Sam C. were there to enjoy the challenge and fun of the game of chess (Sam was the first to solve the chess puzzle, but it was on his second try, so close to his first!!).

We're having a fun USCF-rated club tournament Sunday, July 16, 2023 at the Carl's Jr. Restaurant, which is just across the side parking lot from our regular Starbucks venue! Here are the details:

Format: 3 Rounds; Quads or Groups of 6 or more players.
Start Times: 1st Rd 12:30pm; 2nd Rd NLT 2:00pm; 3rd Rd NLT 3:30pm.
Time Control: G/30;d.10 (30 minutes per side, with a 10-second delay per turn).
Entry Fee: $20 paid on or before 07/15/2023; $25 if paid on 07/16/2023.
Cash Prizes: As usual, 90% or more of entry fees are returned as cash prizes, amounts to be determined based on number of entries.
Requirement: Current membership in the US Chess Federation. To join or renew, go online at www.uschess.org.
(Note: Players not participating in the tournament are welcome to observe matches, or play chess with other non-participants at either Carl's Jr. or back at Starbucks.)

Let me know if you have questions or need more info, see you very soon!

-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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