Tuesday, December 29, 2015

CHESS this Wednesday Dec. 30th at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone . . . !

. . . and a Happy New Year to all !
We meet again over the boards this Wednesday evening, December 30, 2015, from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at Starbucks, located at 1536 Kirker Pass Rd., Clayton, Calif., come by anytime, the earlier the better for the best tables, more matches, and some really interesting company!
Last week saw a pretty good turnout considering the chilly weather, and we welcomed new players to the club, namely Josh and John and Dan the Dad . . . !  On hand to welcome the avid chess gamers were fellow chessers Chris B., Chris Th., Rich K., Anthony, Mike T., Tony, Hans, Bob C., Kitty, and Sevien . . . !
With less than a month to go before the 7th Annual Golden State Open set to run at the Concord Crowne Plaza Hotel from January 15 - 18, 2016 (7 rounds, 7 divisions, all skill levels, from novice to master, options to play over 4 or 3 or even 2 days), several players will be practicing their openings and defenses and tactics and end games and even how to recover from any blunders, or how to draw, concede and win gracefully, etc., etc., over our next couple of sessions, with lots of kibbitzing fun in a coffeehouse atmosphere . . . !  So, whether you're playing in the tournament or not, come by and practice with us, renew friendships, even make new ones for the coming new year 2016 !
See you soon,
-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
USCF Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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