Wednesday, May 29, 2024

CHESS this Wednesday, May 29th at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone!

At least 20 players of all ages and skill levels came by to enjoy a great afternoon of chess over the boards at our usual Starbucks venue. They were: High school grads Connor and Carter; Anh and his sister Trammy; Steve P., who we haven't seen in ages, with his little daughter; chess-playing mom Erin with her young son Cowen playing several games; Robert with his mini-keyboard; Red, chess player and keyboard artist also; Ju, new to the clut; and Mike T., Ben C., Kevin, Reza, Matthew, Mark, Daniel C., and Max H. who won a free tall Mango Dragon Fruit Starbucks beverage by being the first to solve the day's chess puzzle!

Our next session is this Wednesday afternoon, May 29, 2024, from 3 p.m on through closing time as usual, same place, all are welcome, come and go anytime, there are no dues, and there's no purchase required (but it would be nice). There usually is a chess puzzle to solve, and the first to solve it on the first try wins a free tall Starbucks beverage of choice!

(We may even have an experimental, impromptu unrated either blitz or rapid tournament depending on who is game to play in a Quad with a time control of either G/5;d.2 or G/10;d.2 with other details to be agreed on by the four participants.)

So then, see you soon, and don't be surprised as you enjoy the game, you're making new friends and even renewing old friendships!

--- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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