Saturday, March 16, 2019

CHESS this Sunday March 17 at Panera Bread Restaurant!

Hi Everyone . . . !

Just a reminder that there's more fun, challenging chess over the boards at the Panera Bread Restaurant located at the corner of Treat Blvd. and Bancroft Rd. in Walnut Creek, this Sunday afternoon, March 17, 2019,  from 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.!  All ages and skill levels are welcome, no dues, no purchase required (but it would be nice) . . . Come by anytime, the earlier the better!

Your vote needed:  If we can have a chess night on another weeknight, specifically either a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday night, at this Panera Bread Restaurant, which one of those nights of the week would be best for you?

(Our chess club continues to meet every Wednesday evening at Starbucks on Kirker Pass in Clayton, and on every 3rd Sunday of the Month at the Panera Bread Restaurant.)

See you soon,

-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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